Reiki Workshop- Level 2
Karen believes Level Two Reiki is a much more fun experience, it is her most favourite Level to Teach as she believes in this level people truly begin to open and flower.
In this Level we will explore Karen's very own specialized technique for teaching Distant Healing and the true depth and power of the Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen
"the Buddha in me reaches out to the Buddha in you to promote Enlightenment and Peace".
This workshop is a full days Training, wear comfy clothing and bring a lite lunch, in this workshop we will cover-
-Revision of Level One Symbols and Experiences
-Introduction to Level Two Symbols
-Introduction to Seichem and its Symbols
-The three pillars of Reiki
-Distant Reiki Healing
-Exchange Healings as an individual and as a group
To book Please check our Facebook page for Dates and Availabilities or contact Karen directly on 041510026