Goddess Spirit Oracle Deck – Earth Vibrations

Goddess Spirit Oracle Deck

  • $35.00
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Divination Empowerment Connection.

Ever-changing, yet constant, goddess spirit is alive in cultures around the globe as teachers, healers, leaders, and mighty protectors. She is the fertile maiden, nurturing mother, Wise Crohn, and guardian of life. She is present, always.

Use this Oracle to recognise the goddess in the world and awaken Her magic with in yourself. This beautifully crafted set depicts, 44 goddesses and incorporate elemental, chakra, and Luna energies to balance your mind, body, and spirit and connect you to the Mystical femininity of the moon. The Arcana Goddesses, add the divinatory power of tarot, and the septuplets imbue this gorgeous Oracle with strength and guidance.
Together, the 44 cards of Goddess Spirit Oracle can be used for insight, raising feminine power, honouring the goddesses, our personal reflection. Answer questions with the specially crafted spreads. Adorn your altar with cards of your choice, And know the divine woman in every day. 

Rachel Johnson. Blue Angel Publishing.