Dumortierite Tumble Stones – Earth Vibrations

Dumortierite Tumble Stones

  • $3.00
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Dumortierite is the stone of Patience or as I would call it the stone of Endurance. It allows us to stay centred and calm during uncomfortable and confrontational situation.

Reducing excitability, eliminating stubbornness yet allowing one to stand up for ones self during times of attack an questioning. Helps one understand sometimes the bizarre situations we can find ourselves in and why they have occured. Reality is an illusion and illusion is real. 

Can help one speak their version of Spiritual Truth and ideas. 

Dumortierite is also perfect for relationship building with love matches , clearing away unstable foundations. Diminishing wasting disorders, providing strength when struggling with dis-ease, allowing understanding and a course of action. 

Price per item.