Reiki Workshop- Master Teacher – Earth Vibrations
Reiki Workshop- Master Teacher

Reiki Workshop- Master Teacher

  • $395.00
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Welcome, as your last Petals unfold.

Karen looks forward to watching you create a pathway for the many by your own Light.

Master Teacher Level is an Honor and a serious responsibility, but so rewarding.

This workshop is a full Days Training as well as preparation and mentoring before the workshop date.

Please wear comfy clothes, bring a lite lunch an be open to changing lives. In this Workshop/Preparation and Guidance we will cover the following -

-Writing your own Level One Manual (done before the workshop)

-How to give an attunement (done before the workshop)

-Introduction to your first student/students

-The running of an Actual Level One Workshop, guiding your first Reiki Students

-On going Mentoring if required

To book Please check our Facebook page for Dates and Availabilities or contact Karen directly on 041510026 thank you.





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