Turritella Agate Tumble Stones
Gastropods are the largest class of mollusks with more than 65.000 living species. They are an evolutionary success story since the early Paleozoic Era. This coupled with a shell that is easy to fossilize means that fossil gastropods are abundant in the fossil record. Gastropod means "stomach foot". These animals have a single muscular foot. Other caracteristics of gastropods are tenticles, eyes, a spiral shell, and a feeding organ called a radula, (tongue covered with thousands of tiny teeth to tear apart food). Gastropods can be carnivorous (meat-eaters) or herbivorous (plant eaters).
Turritella Agate is a spiritual crystal, deeply connected to the earth and home, to one's personal roots and ancestry, even the events of one's past. It is a survival stone, one of strength and protection. Ancient life held within its form lends the power of wisdom and healing.
Turritella Agate is a stone of personal connection with one's past - ancestry, homeland, and the country from which those ancestors came. As a record keeper crystal, it may be used to gain access to the wisdom of past worlds and past life recall.
It opens communication between the plant and mineral kingdom, providing access to information beneficial in healing the planet. If buried in land that has been neglected or polluted, Turritella Agate cleanses and re-vitalises. Its healing energies can be projected if placed on a map or photo of an endangered area.
For frequent travellers, Turritella Agate helps protect against danger, alleviates fears, and keeps the connection to loved ones at home.
Excellent Quality, Standard Size Tumble Stones.
Price per item.