Amethyst Sterling Silver Ring – Earth Vibrations

Amethyst Sterling Silver Ring

  • $165.00
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So so pretty this Amethyst ring is Sterling Silver displaying filigree sides. This unique one off piece is sized at an Eight (8) and is a high quality, solid construction. 

Amethyst is the Stone of Spirituality and Contentment.

Amethyst Is also the Exit keeper of city 4 on the Tree of Life, the city of Unconditional Love. Amethysts purpose is Humility, offering calmness, a sense of protection, and peacefulness as it shields out from outside influences.

Amethyst is a direct connection to  Ascended Master Saint Germain and the Violet flame of Transmutation. Lets Transmute all things of a lower vibration into Love. 

Great for Tension, Headaches, Autism, Insomnia, Dyslexia, Epilepsy, Anxiety, Stress, Addiction, Skeletal System, Skin, Teeth, Nervous System, Heart, Digestive Tract, Stomach, Arthritis, The Mind,  and Psychic Development..