Lode Stones
I purchased these Magnetite Lodestones from Loahuila in Mexico. They remind me of little alien like creatures that either are very attracted to or repelling each other, but like us humans really don’t you think. I love how they move their tentacles as you place them near each other.
Enhancing receptivity and helping us to rejoice in all circumstances of life by distinguishing duality. Helping us relieve burdens and manifesting our desires by holding stead fast with confidence and motivation, eliminating insecurity and dependence/ co-dependence.
Balancing and aligning the meridians of the body, activating Chakras and aligning the ethric body. Removing energy blockages, grounding us, and initiating the ascension process, lodestone is by far the best stone for connecting us to the Fae’ .
Creating balance so we may focus on our purpose lodestone certainly is one for your collection. In the days of old lodestone was used to test fidelity, if the unfaithful or un loyal was touched by a lodestone they would fall out of bed allowing the other to recognise the unfaithfulness, I’m not sure I would be trying this one lol. However another story told to us is that if you place your lodestone beside a saucer of milk outside your bedroom window or in the garden the Fae’ will gather in numbers, this is something I would try.
These specimens are a good size( most are 50c or bigger) and very good quality.
Price per item.