Angel Aura Clusters
Angel Aura Quartz is also known as Aura Lite.
Angel Aura Quartz is quartz that has been coated in gold and platinum, therefore those properties also apply as well as the following.
Angel Aura brings a lovely harmony of the Angelic realm. It can sooth ones temperament and removes the rough edges from ones aura.
Angel Aura highly influences the throat chakra allowing for gentle and soft speech.
A truly gentle stone and highly recommended when working with the elderly and children.
Perfect addition for all types of healing sessions, healing rooms, nursing homes, class rooms, granny flats, children’s bedrooms or play rooms, day care, hospitals etc.
Remember Clusters work on group energy, so gentling assist everyone.
These pretties weigh between 80 to 100 grams each, and measure approximately 10 cm x 4 cm, some slightly larger or smaller. Price per item.