256hz Black Obsidian Crystal Tuning Fork
Only inwards will we find our true selves and the answers we seek, vibrating 256 times per second this stunner is designed to calm the central nervous system, ground the base and synchronise harmony between mind, body and spirit.
Often the body speaks and we choose to ignore, are your bones tired, do they ache and are you choosing not to listen, then HELLO I’m here calling you.
Let my Obsidian reflection help you journey inwards to hear the language of your soul. I will anchor you in your Earth Star Chakra so you will know and remember the whole of yourself through truth, facing and mastering even the shadows you try and hide.
With the ancient wisdom of the American Indians and the Mayans I will guide you to YOU!
Hand made by Kaz, including weighted Obsidian Tuning Fork, Mallet and Bag.